If I still haven't convinced you to give the 36 Hour Miracle a try, here are a few more reasons why I think you should try weekly intermittent fasting and more fasting benefits:
Save over $6,000 per year
- 52 days of no food or snacks $32 per day x 52 = $1,664
- Value of time not spent cooking, eating and cleaning = $4,160 (4hrs a day x 52 days at $20 per hour)
- Saved water and energy not cooking =$5 a day x 52 = $260
Help The Environment
(36/168 hrs in a week = 21.4%)
- You'll generate 20% less food related trash and food waste.
- Your burden on the world's food sources will be 20% less.
- You'll use 20% less food related energy and water on things like cooking, washing dishes and washing food.
For Yourself & Loved Ones
- You'll feel better about yourself.
- It promotes a healthy lifestyle around you.
- Lose weight and become healthier.
- You'll have more energy for the things you love.
Fix Bodily Problems
- Our bodies are designed to fast. Ancient civilizations realized the benefits of fasting. Refrigeration, agricultural advancements and the Industrial Revolution have brought about the abundance of food in today's societies. I don't think it's much of a stretch to argue that our constant state of being fed or our lack of fasting is directly correlated with obesity, cancer rates, heart disease, diabetes and many other bodily problems we see today.
- Tap into bodily systems that strengthen & repair.
- Lots of people are still sold on the idea that there are magic pills or other man made cure-alls out there. I would guess that it's much more likely that any true cure-all would come from internal bodily systems rather than some magical external source.
Trust Me
- I'm not trying to get you to buy anything, subscribe to anything or to send me money. My only motivation for creating this site is to get people like yourself to try something that has performed miracles in my life. If it can help make a positive impact in YOUR life, it will all be worth it.
- When I was 18, I thought I knew everything. At 28, I realized how naive I was at 18. Every 10 years since, I can look back and see how much I thought I knew back then. At 48, I'm just trying to get through life, down the longest path possible with the least amount of resistance. I believe the 36 Hour Miracle is the key to getting me where I want to be in life and I hope it becomes part of your life too.
So, are you going to give it a try? What do you have to lose?
Again, if you do decide to try it, get the OK from your doctor first!
Thank you so much for your time. If you decide to try the 36 Hour Miracle, don't forget to email me so I can send your free bracelet. If I didn't convince you, please let me know why. I would truly appreciate any positive or negative feedback you can give. And please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you succeed!
Take Care & Good Luck! JJ